Tips on how to replace a side view mirror;

Obtain a copy of the dealer service manual procedure.
Many dealer customer service or parts counters will let you copy this information if you ask nicely.
Some may charge for it, but either way, having the correct procedure and diagrams is invaluable.

- Understand how the auto mirror mounts on your automotive and what it mounts to.
To access most mirror mounting points you will need to remove the interior door panel.

If you are lucky, some have a small triangular access panel, so removing the whole panel is unnecessary.

- If available take pictures of the auto mirror before you begin. These pictures can be a valuable resource during reassembly.
- Choose an appropriate work area and have patience.
- Make sure you have a large protected space to work in.
- Allow yourself plenty of time and don't hurry. A side view mirror installation can be a day long project.
- Don't start the project on a night where you need the car the following morning.
- Don't let yourself be rushed by the weather.
- Run many tests using the auto mirror(s) electrical features. This includes moving the mirror electronically as well as running the defroster if relevant.
Do this after you have installed the mirror, but BEFORE you have put the entire door panel back together.

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